Judgement: Not Recommended

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Initially, I had a great time playing this game. The initial experience was quite enjoyable with things like discovering new areas, trying out different training methods, and exploring the game mechanics. I had a lot of fun learning about the best ways to manage my time and the best builds for certain fights. Also, the pixel art was quite appealing.

Unfortunately, the game becomes fairly grindy as you progress. The fights get more and more boring and monotonous after a couple of hours. This is especially evident near the final parts of the game, where it feels like the game is just padding time with a variety of boring fights and mechanics. Also, to top it all off, everything in the game is locked after you beat the final fight. Not to mention that certain points in the game lock you from certain content even before this point, with no indication that it would do so. Plus, the game is littered with grammatical errors and glitches, which is just an added annoyance.

However, if you're looking for a game that will help you pass the time, this might be it. But if you're looking for something more, you're better off looking elsewhere. Well, that is unless you enjoy grinding and monotony.

Overall, I would not recommend this game. Sure, the initial experience was fun, but the grindy nature of the game and the lack of content after the final fight make it not worth the time or money.

Review posted on 17/02/2023, 23:21:00.