Judgement: Recommended

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Im not a fan of the Si-Fi genre, but i really like puzzle games so i thought i will give it a try.
I didnt have any expectations when i started The Turing Test and didnt have a clue what it is about, but pretty quickly i was enthralled by the story and liked the puzzle design a lot!

Playing as Ava Turing (space engineer) you are sent to a spacestation "europa" and your goal is to make it thru a lot of sectors with different puzzles to find your missing crew, guided by a AI named TOM.

The puzzles are well designed and increase in difficulty step by step and all new mechanics are well introduced.
You are playing thru 7 chapters with several sectors in each one + there is one bonus level in every chapter.
The puzzles are not too easy, not too hard and i really enjoyed to solve them, but surprisingly for me i liked the story even more! Also the music during the game is enjoyable and the voice acting is great!

I spent some time to translate a lot of stuff while reading diaries/documents etc + the game was running at the background for probably ~3h so i cant tell actually how long my playtime was, but for sure at least 4-5h less than 12h.

Achievements are really easy to 100% in a single playthru, except one which you can quickly get after you have finished the game, cuz you can choose each chapter and even each sector to replay.

Overall it was a great experience, thumbs up!

Review posted on 08/01/2023, 10:44:00.