Judgement: Not Recommended

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I've tried to play this a few times now and unfortunately every single time I've played there were multiple in game bugs that stopped progression and I would need to restart the game to fix it. There was also a loading issue on one of the times I tried to play where the game just sat at 30%. Looking at the update history of the game, there's only 1 and it was in October of 2020 so I think it's safe to say the game is just going to stay in the state it's in. This game is riddled with so many bugs it's just not enjoyable, so this is a very easy not recommend.

If I'm getting multiple game stopping bugs every single time I've played it I can't believe the experience is better for others, which makes me wonder how the game has around 30 positive reviews.

Review posted on 15/06/2022, 23:47:00.