Judgement: Not Recommended

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I appreciate that for fans of the original series, it must have been amazing to see this game get released, and awesome to jump back in to the story. From what I understand maybe it even ties up some loose ends.

That said, from the perspective of someone who has no familiarity with the universe or characters - sweet mother of mercy, this is profoundly tedious. The 6 hours of the game is split up into 20 largely unconnected mini visual novels. Those 20 little story chunks feature maybe somewhere around 40 characters in total.

And so, *of course*, there isn't nearly enough time to establish any meaningful sense of personality for all of those characters beyond the utterly superficial - even moreso given that a lot of dialogue seems to be dedicated to references from the comics which mean nothing whatsoever to me. Honestly, to the outsider, aside from a few occasional, very heavy-handed character quirks, it seems like they all basically speak with the same voice, they all feel dull and poorly written.

Likewise, *of course* there isn't nearly enough time in each of the mini-stories to develop a remotely interesting narrative. If I was being generous, I could describe them as being vignettes, loosely connected with a framing device. If I were more honest, I'd say they each feel like they have just enough story to last over 9 comic panels, but without the forced concision necessary for comics, the dialogue has been bloated yet without adding anything of interest. Then, all 20 stories have been clumsily, lazily tacked together to try to give the impression of a cohesive whole.

In short -
If you love the comics, it stands to reason you'll probably love this.
If you haven't read them, this is a terrible introduction to them, and having endured this I'd never dream of seeking them out.

Review posted on 29/05/2021, 11:02:00.