Judgement: Not Recommended

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An ASCII roguelike game for those, who want to brag, that they've played an ASCII roguelike game, but don't have what it takes to play ADOM or NetHack. Not much of a gameplay, not much of a story, just repetitive and grindy smashing of the Q+ENTER key in one more fight with a single predictable enemy, that you know, that you will easily win, if you understand game's mechanics, don't choose too hard opponents and memorize/keep checking 47 enemy affixes, so you don't do something utterly stupid, like using your ULT attack on an enemy, that will reflect it on you.

At least, that's how it feels, when you play druid, the only char, that I've played, as I've never died or even was in any danger of dying. So maybe it's a different story, if you play another char, but that would only mean, that the game is terribly unbalanced, as some of other reviewers claim. But let's start from the beginning.

With it's ASCII style the game is in a way a piece of art, especially for those of us, for whom the ASCII games were among the first, that we have ever played. You wouldn't want a Rembrandt to hang on a dirty wall covered with colorful grafitti, and I wouldn't want to play an ASCII game in a window, that covers only a part of my Win 10 desktop. Well, that's one of the things, that the dev never really bothered to deal with. Not only he didn't deal with often reported problems of the game not recognizing correctly the screen resolution, but also didn't allow the window itself to be resizable, so it could at least cover the whole screen. As one player pointed out to me in a discussion thread, if you are unlucky, "you're stuck with whatever window size the game gives you". For my 1920x1080 screen the game has chosen 1280x600 resolution, so even after enlarging it by x1.5 factor I was stuck with 1920x900 window. Nuts, not me... an hour lost on discussing it and looking for a solution, and an old small utility ResizeEnable finally forced it to decently cover my whole screen.

So, yes, with some user effort it's very stylish and nicely painted in ASCII. And actually there has to be some magic hidden in those ASCII characters and drawing, making most of the players blind to the fact, that there is not that much of a game behind. Oh, and some more magic hidden in the art of pressing keyboard keys.

I'm usually a one-handed player, and for years I prefer mouse operated games to those, that require extensive keyboard inputs. I really believe, that nowadays this kind of a game should have an option to be mouse operated, even just to accommodate folks with different disabilities, especially when all things are anyway on the screen, so if mouse input was implemented, the visual interface would not have to be changed. No luck here. But OK, I can see the other "traditionalist" perspective and live with it, but why, just why every unique command shown on the screen has to be followed by pressing the ENTER key?

Then there is the RPG element, immersion, emotional attachment to your character. So, I'm a Druid of Huskian descent, raised by... a pack of zombies? And making out with a giant broccoli has been my biggest regret?? Oh, yes, I'm a female druid and today, to start my adventure, I became a man (staying a female all the time)??? And to finish my bonding with my char, I tape three potatoes to my legs, and one to my face; this is my story???? OK, stomach it and get done with it by pressing any key to continue... into the actual mediocre game, that in any other packaging would get no more, than 50-60% rating here.

To summarize: a lot of beautiful ASCII drawings, OK ASCII-era soundtrack and solid, though hollow, repetitive, grindy and pretty boring (and possibly unbalanced) gameplay - 3/10. Good for a fan made freeware, but certainly not for a 90%+ rated $7.99 game on Steam.

EDIT: It's worth adding, that the game has automatic combat option. Maybe with this option enabled, it does become a nice ASCII walking simulator. I don't know, I have not tried it, as I was not really interested in this aspect.

Review posted on 12/04/2021, 00:06:00.