Judgement: Recommended

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The main game was good and I found most of the multi-object finds to be enjoyable. Like you might need a slice of pumpkin, but there is just a whole pumpkin on the field. But you need to click on the knife on the table and then the pumpkin to fulfill the item requirement. However, some weren't so easy to figure out. Main game was pretty quick.

Now, the bonus chapter after beating the game was a whole different monster. The branching pathways get cranked up to 11. I started exploring and soon had so many partially completed puzzle items in my inventory that I lost track so many times of where the item I just found needed returned to. I held on to a the fountain ornament for most of the chapter before remembering just where the hell it went. But the satisfaction from tying up all the loose ends outweighed the frustration.

A better puzzler would appreciate all the mini-games. My brain just couldn't figure out the candles or the skull management. And in principal the skulls aren't even that difficult but hey I wasn't going for the 'Use no skips' achievement. One small caveat, I was going for the 'Finish all Hidden Object Scenes without using hints.' achievement and I didn't use any hints but still didn't get it. I used just 1 hint during the tutorial, because I'm fairly certain it instructs you to click on it? I guess if that counted then its no big deal.

Anyway, it was a good point and click. Story was there. I feel like you can see the plot coming from the start. But I didn't play for the story. I played to satisfy the part of my brain that burns eternally for hidden object games from playing them as a child. Also Bejeweled, but there is no Bejeweled in this game. Don't buy if you're looking for Bejeweled. No Bejeweled/10.

Review posted on 04/01/2021, 05:37:00.