Judgement: Not Recommended

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I have mixed feelings about this one.

It's an on-rail isometrical a-rpg.

First playthrough was really fun. It took me about 12-13 hours to finish campaign.
Then I tried some endgame with first character (warior) and started new games with wizzard and archer. Even tried roguelike mode. And I just can't force myself to play any more.
Game mechanics are not really explained and you don't see actuall stats.
All boss fights are the same (boss is summoning armies of minions, then you kill them all + and wait for boss immunity phase to end.. repeat ad nauseam).

Instead of skillpoints and equipement you collect cards and use up to 10 of them at the same time (active abbilities that cost mana, passives that lock some mana and consumables that you have to refill by finding them in dungeon or buying in town). In later part of game or in engame or on higher dificulty - you have to change your cards a lot to fight certain enemy type in the most efficient way... and that gets annoying quite fast.

To sum up - concept is quite interesting. Can't recommend it though. Not for ful price at least.

Review posted on 05/12/2020, 17:27:00.