Judgement: Recommended

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Good things:

A good RPG Maker game about how to murder someone and get away with it. All 3 stories are interesting and I like that it is very important what you ask people about and how you respond and what weapon and evidence you will use. I liked all 3 murder stories included. The first takes place in 1401 in England, the second in 1868 in USA and the third in 1895 in Scotland. All stories are connected to one Bruce dynasty. The music is perfect for each story as it is fitting for that time period. Also I played the game using keyboard but you can also play it just fine using only mouse. The game has high replayability if you want to test all weapons and evidences and to frame everyone you can.

Bad things:

Well it is RPG Maker graphic so for some people this can be a bad things. I also think you can’t win on the very first try as you need to know what people will speak about someone you ask and how they will react to your answers to be able to frame others or cover yourself and make you look innocent.


You should give it a try. It is a fun game with many endings and it forces you to think.

Overall score 7/10

Review posted on 04/11/2020, 23:40:00.