Judgement: Recommended

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Fun little game. Admittedly wasn't expecting much but it's nice to play and the "ye olde map" styled battlefields are neat to look at. Those of you who aren't that great at turn-based strategy games will probably find this as easy to complete as I did, and I suck at TBS titles. AP can be completed in a little over an hour, neither of the included achievements require multiplayer which is good as it's very dead.

Controls are fine, audio is there but basic (think revolutionary war music and public domain weapon/soldier audio clips), and visually it looks decent. Some minor aspect ratio issues involving stretching of the main menu background and the weirdly slow scrolling speed when on the battlefield are about all that's wrong with American Patriots: Boston Tea Party.

Not something I'd ever see myself playing again, but for the dollar it usually goes down to during sales it's an easy recommend if you're after growing your completed games collection by one.

Review posted on 13/09/2020, 15:13:00.