Judgement: Recommended

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Despite the fact that The Textorcist is hard af, I really like the concept behind it; the Diablo-style theme, albeit with a bit of whimsy; and the unique gameplay that blends typing with bullet-hell. IMHO, the game is fun in a frustrating kind of way.

The game really penalizes players who have to look at the keyboard to type since both of my eyes can only be looking at one of the two places - the screen to dodge the projectiles or the keyboard to type - at any single time. It's also hard enough to find an opening where you can just hammer the keyboard as fast as you can to complete the sentence or the word, and well, there's even the fact that you have to be close enough to the boss to be able to type anything which is a bummer because you will often find yourself "out of range" while running about on screen, making it hard to make full use of those little patches of calm in between the raging storm of projectiles.

So, in other words, that "difficult" tag is no joke.

With that said, although I personally prefer the Nanotale-style (the sequel to Epistory) gameplay where I only have to move my character now and then and not almost constantly as required in this game, I can't deny that The Textorcist is a very entertaining game, more so when played by two people locally - one typing out the texts and the other playing the bullet-hell part ;)

Watch me play!
And die many, many times... I'm not particularly great at bullet-hells but I really like typing games so I thought I should give this game a shot :)

Side Note
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Review posted on 06/09/2020, 01:03:00.