Judgement: Recommended

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This is a superhero FPS that unfortunately shows its age, despite being held together by a renowned comic book writer and a great lore from the preexisting intelectual property. Why do I recommend it then? The story is good and the gameplay isn't too bad.

Besides dual wielding, eating hearts to recover health and using your tentacles to grab, throw, execute or destroy, you can also unlock the ability to summon a swarm that stuns enemies and the ability to magically enhance your bullets. Even if these features aren't novel, they are nice to have. Executions can give you health, ammo, shields and cooldown reductions, but you will be using them for health recovery most of the time.

The execution animations are serviceable, but you are mostly going to see the same few. The controls for slashing with your tentacles are terrible to use, holding the middle mouse button while swiping the mouse in the intended direction, followed by a slow animation that contrasts with the gunplay.

You can change weapons in the same way as older titles, using the mouse scroll or pressing the button assigned to each weapon type. Not as neat as a weapon wheel, but it usually works. Since you aren't limited by weapon types, you can have two pistols, two SMGs or one of each, in addition to a two-handed weapon. The buttons are therefore not assigned to a weapon type, but to your left and right hands, with the weapons constantly changing. The same buttons you use for eating hearts or collecting ammo can be used to pick up guns, throwing my main gun away was a common annoyance during my playthrough.

SMGs felt incredibly underpowered, but pistols, assault rifles and shotguns felt great to use. Some enemies are bullet sponges or have too much armor, but this is mostly an issue with SMGs. If an armored enemy runs toward you with a melee weapon, use your tentacles, these are hard to kill with bullets. Enemies' AI and enemy variety are serviceable, compensated by the map design and set-pieces.

My time to beat the main story was 8h13m. The story is good, not great. Some emotional beats fall flat, the story is predictable and the open ending leaves a bad taste, but the lore, told mostly through relics' descriptions, is fantastic and keeps you thinking when the writing doesn't. The gameplay is entertaining despite its flaws and there are additional missions after you beat it. It is a good game overall, not great, but I was still entertained during most of it.


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Review posted on 24/08/2020, 10:54:00.