Judgement: Recommended

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This is the remaster of a Flash-based puzzle platformer with boss battles and lackluster controls. This is not a bad game, but you can find better nowadays.

With multiple mechanics constantly phasing in and out, you will find many ways to catapult yourself or change the environment around you, though only one or two are available in each level, with a few notable exceptions. Mastering the controls is part of the challenge and, while satisfactory, can lead to frustration.

The map design greatly benefits from each stage's unique mechanic, turning them into more than a simple gimmick. A few of the maps are annoyingly hard, requiring either extreme precision or luck, to the point of being unfunny, but that's usually not the case. It unfortunately lack some modern conveniences, like saving the game inside a stage, forcing you to plan around those limitations.

Boss battles are surprisingly good, but far from a cakewalk. Each boss has a unique and well defined pattern, exploiting it is key for your success. Mastery of the stage's mechanics are also tested, but you can cheese your way into victory once you understand the boss's inner workings.

The game's writing is its selling point, with a well-crafted timeline that makes sense in hindsight and a quirky sense of humor. It didn't make me burst into laughter, but it was never annoying and it knew when to take itself seriously, despite its randomness.

A normal playthrough takes only 2 to 4 hours, not counting the collectibles and achievements. The game's longevity is greatly expanded by those, with most of the collectibles placed almost out of reach or requiring out-of-the-box thinking. You get almost no achievements by beating the game, but by completing humorous tasks, like beating a stage while dancing and using a specific hat. You have to go out of your way to get them, but it is a great complement to the game's writing.

It is a product of its time while holding surprisingly well. Asking price is a little too high, but I recommend it if you can get it for cheap.


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Review posted on 10/08/2020, 18:30:00.