Judgement: Recommended

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Buggy ambitious mess that is still somewhat enjoyable.

I'm a fan of the art style and the level design, it's got an old school Prince of Persia feel to it. I can look past a lot of the bugs, and there are tons of them. If you are looking for something polished run away. Achievements are broken, and the final scene after beating the final boss was broken for me. After delivering the final blow, there was a brief cutscene, and then I was suddenly getting knocked down for no reason and this looped each time I got up effectively soft-locking me from seeing the ending. I'm such a masochist, I just assumed it was a one-off and spent another 20 minutes beating him again just for the same thing to happen.

Speaking of the final boss, he's beatable on easy, but compared to the other fights it feels out of place. None of the magic you learned is useful. If he spawns on top of you, there's not much you can do but take the damage, and your clunky jumps don't really allow you to jump between the butterflies he shoots. He's extremely RNG-based, each of states is chosen randomly and only 1 of them can you fight back in.

Trials of the Gauntlet has a very similar aesthetic and while also buggy, is at least playable. Overall I'm right on the middle so I'll recommended it for masochists.

Review posted on 20/05/2020, 13:21:00.