Judgement: Recommended

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This game is really interesting, I'm not English native speaker so I can't speak for the quality of the language, but to me it seemed quite good, especially as being a russian game in the first place. Now I'm French native speaker and all the French Le Clerk utters is complete gibberish and makes no sense at all, this clearly went through a really bad translator with no correction afterward.

Beside that, there are a LOT of choices in that game and a LOT of way to die while you're trying to save your skin out of that damned jungle you landed on. I've played 4 hours so far, not exactly being fast and not cutting the game while taking breaks, and I'm only done with the Prologue, so I have 3 chapters left out and I'm unsure if the game is complete at this time.

I'm enjoying this game a lot, both for the story and all the sailing vocabulary I'm learning without having to deal with all the "Pirate way to speak" you can find if you discuss with any Pirate around Limsa Lominsa (sorry FFXIV, I switch to French during those moments or I can't understand a word)

Review posted on 15/12/2019, 09:56:00.