Judgement: Not Recommended

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Awesome visuals and a pumping soundtrack do not a good game make, if silly game design choices the developers did take. I was enjoying the heck out of RUINER until coming within a half hour of the ending, where I ran into a multi-battle boss fight that resets you at the beginning of the sequence if you fail - 11 tries later I threw in the towel. There's rage quitting, and then there's quitting because you're bored as hell of replaying the same three fights over and over. I'm assuming this near end battle was tossed in to boost hours logged as it really has no bearing on the main story and the game itself is fairly short.

Praise Gaben for Youtube playthroughs being a thing, at least I got to see the ending.

Review posted on 25/11/2019, 19:20:00.