Judgement: Recommended

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  • Morlan's shorts:
Played it in single player and it has it's fun moments.. Basically it becomes a hard-to-control time-racing game. It's cute, fluid animation, moving music.. The "novelty" here is that you control the head with just anti- & clockwise turning and you can propel, i.e. swim, but the body has momentum and that's where the difficulty lies as it becomes easy to turn in circles or have your tail hit you on the head and lose direction. It does look like more fun with other players but I'm guessing the novelty wears off quickly. Depends how much you had to drink..
I'll allow it but on mucho discount.. Around 3coins maybe

Don't waste more time reading lengthy reviews.. time is of the essence!

Review posted on 02/12/2019, 07:13:00.