Judgement: Not Recommended

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Destiny Warriors is an RPG maker game with a Ninja Academy theme. It's essentially trying to emulate the Naruto universe without infringing on the IP. Everything from the emo rival to the spirits residing inside each character is blatantly ripped off, but this is clearly intentional.

The writing starts off passable (as the game is just borrowing the storyline from Naruto), but it falls apart midway through the game, with the main character J.C. becoming so dumb, that they can only communicate by swearing. Towards the end I'm impressed that the game felt both too long and rushed at the same time.

The game does initially talk about missions and a ranking system, but this was never mentioned again which felt like a huge missed opportunity to have some side quests and do some world building. Instead the game is fairly linear, giving you small windows to interact with a limited overworld, but once a mission is started, that access is cut off.

Enemy level's scale with your party's average, so grinding doesn't really help, although having a few low-level characters to bring down your party's average level can let you sweep certain encounters.

As someone use to RPG grind, the encounter rate in story missions felt noticeably high. The actual battles themselves, are fun, once you figure out which spells/skills to use as there's a bit of resource management when dealing with HP, MP, and TP. There are just way too many encounters though.

What I enjoyed most was creating overpowered characters, as the game has consumables available in stores that permanently increase your stats invalidating any need to level up, and eventually the need for any equipment, as you can just buy your stats from vendors. Having maxed out stats and doing 10k+ damage to the final boss was awesome.

Overall Destiny Warriors RPG is nothing special. It's using stock RPG maker assets, consists of linear gameplay that drags on. It has the complete opposite of a unique storyline, and even accepting that, the writing degenerates over time.

Review posted on 01/11/2019, 15:36:00.