Judgement: Recommended

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SpeedRunners tasks you with running an obstacle course faster than your opponents. It's got quite a few unique mechanics. Players share a single screen and only lose if they fall off the map. The screen follows the player currently in the lead, all other players are at risk of getting eliminated. All levels are large loops. You want to move as fast as possible through the level and eliminate your opponent by having them fall off the map.

I found the game enjoyable, the campaign is cute and has a steep learning curve as you move up difficulty, so there's lots to do. The game is very skill dependent with all the obstacles spawning at the same location. It encourages players to familiarize themselves with each map. I always feel the game is fair, it has few unavoidable power ups and items appear on the screen so you know exactly what each player has. If I lose, it's usually my fault. As the game is so fast paced, jumping back in after a loss takes no time at all.

Online multiplayer has some amazing players who have optimized every aspect of the game, it's a bit frustrating to lose immediately, but it's fun to see what is possible when you get to that level.

Review posted on 29/06/2019, 08:24:00.