Judgement: Not Recommended

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Playing this game is like going to theater for an hour long monodrame, in which a very naive Hamlet goes round and round asking himself: "To be, or not to be, that is the question", for diversity replacing "to be" with "to love", "to trust" and some other words like this.

It really doesn't matter, that the scenography (pixel graphics) may be good and the acting (atmosphere) decent. It's still just a boring, naive monologue of a confused and pained teen, that you have to listen to (with the background noise of utterly insignificant repetitive statements about meaning of life by the other NPCs), and it does not help, that except of patient listening (reading), all the challenge is limited to finding Hamlet (Katie) twice, and then following him/her around.

Unfortunately, the best writing in this game we can find in the ending credits, in which the Dev (even if the game possibly is his personal story) says much more about himself (and in a more interesting and moving way), than the main hero throughout the game.

I would really like to be able to recommend this game, seeing that it's a "child of love" and the "first published child", but it's so naive and boring, that I simply can't. Saying this, I must add, that I look forward to his future games, expecting them to become better and better.

Note: I have played the game in non-VR mode, but I wouldn't expect VR experience to be much different, except that I have not run into any bugs, while some VR users mention them.

Review posted on 29/06/2019, 07:31:00.