Judgement: Recommended

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Grand Theft Auto III may be revolutionary for its time, but the game has not really aged well... and this is coming from someone who has played GTA for the very first time. However, the game is really interesting to play and I finally understand why the game has such huge followings.

In this game, GTA III puts you into the shoes of an escaped felon who ends up working for the Italian mafia as a "transporter", which means you would definitely need to have some sweet fast driving skills. There are lots of missions for you to take and complete, each of them will earn you a bit of cash which you can then use to buy something - not sure what though - or to pay for medical fees for when you "died" or bail money for when you get caught by the police.

**Note that I played the game completely mod-less. I'm sure the game would be slightly better with the correct mods.

+ Driving a car in this game can feel pretty smooth and I'm guessing that's probably why the game is so "vehicle"-oriented, but not all vehicles are that way. Some are overly sensitive - even by sports car standards.
+ A pretty large map to explore with plenty of hidden stuff for you to find and collect
+ Lots of somewhat short missions for you to go on. Each of these missions are segmented so you can save and exit the game (only) AFTER you've completed a mission. If not, you'll lose your progress on said mission.
+ Thrilling police chases. These guys will really ram your vehicle and they know how to make a blockade.
+ Can skip pre-mission cutscenes for those times I had to restart a mission.
+ I'm not sure about you but I find the voice-acting a bit over-the-top and hence, quite hilarious at times.
+ There are several storylines here, each part of the story is usually revealed when or after you take on/ complete a mission from an important member of the mafia.
+ Many radio stations, some of which have some really decent tracks

- The graphics here really didn't age very well, but it did give me a couple of chuckles now and then
- Saving your game can be a pain sometimes because you have to drive all the way back to your home to do so
- No map but there's a pretty serviceable mini-map. Still got lost a few times during missions though, like the time I couldn't find the Don's mansion
- From what I can see, I don't think there's a way for you to really rise up the ranks of the mafia. You will always be their transporter - their best and most reliable one - but still a transporter nonetheless.

Despite its age and all, I'm really enjoying GTA III so far. Some missions can be quite frustrating to play but that's mainly because I have yet found the "proper technique" to handle such missions, like the one where you are asked to grenade the hell out of 3 laundry trucks. The trick here is to not ram into the trucks but to sneakily drive up behind them like normal vehicles on the road, wait for one of those red traffic lights, quickly lob a grenade at the truck and hightail it out of there :)

P/S: GTA III works on Windows 10, but there's something you'd need to do first to fix the "GTA 3 cannot find 640x480 video mode" error you'll get when you first launch the game. Here's the link to the fix. You just need to follow the step-by-step listed for Windows 8 - the solution works for Windows 10 too.

Side Note
I know that I'm super late to the party with this review, but if you like my review and would like to follow me for more, please feel free to drop by my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33780629-The-Midcore-Gamer/ I mainly cover indie games with the occasional triple A stuff.

Review posted on 18/06/2019, 13:04:00.