Judgement: Not Recommended

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In Forest Harvester Simulator you drive around in a tree-cutting machine felling trees and turning them into lumber.

+ Tree cutting machine feels nice to drive.
+ Game has such terrible physics that it becomes comical at times watching my machine fly into the sky when tripping over a log.

- No variety in level design, a single map for all 9 levels.
- Extremely grindy with some levels taking more than 20 minutes of the same task (It's also possible to get stuck in certain objects which concerns me for the longer stages).
- Invisible walls with trees that you think you can cut beyond those walls.
- Level rewards scale badly, it's more worthwhile to grind level 1 than play other stages if you are trying to get gold to unlock base upgrades.
- The base system is useless, which you quickly figure out after the first unlock. The base system has secondary resources that quickly invalidate all previous resources as you just convert everything to gold. Not having lumber requirements for buildings seems like a missed opportunity.

Overall, I would say the game is strange and interesting, but shallow and not worth playing for more than 10 minutes. I am more disappointed than anything else, as the concept is novel and I feel like all the cons could have been hashed out with a bit of extra polish.

Review posted on 28/04/2019, 09:13:00.