Judgement: Recommended

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Its a simple game where you throw empty glass beer bottles at other bottles to score points.
A little bit similar to bowling.
In this game, you win if you score exactly 100points.
It may take a while to get it depending on your aim, but shouldnt be too hard to do. You'll get it eventually.
The game has no settings in it, so its all controlled by the SteamVR.

The game only works on VR mode, so you need a VR-able equipment, such as a oculus rift/Vive HTC/etc..
Or if you are a cheapo like me, a smartphone with installed VRidge and with Riftcat on Windows 10, which allows you to play for up to 5 or 10min at a time. You need to enable mouse+controller to support to be even able to play it too, although not recommended as you can only use the movement momentum to throw the bottle.(WASD, mostly W). My arm gets hanged in the air to be able to aim and rotate, and its not very comfortable setting either to play with. Very hard to get the win in 10 throws achievement.
I recommend using one of those wii-like remote controls to be able to throw the bottles with better accuracy.(Not sure if they come together with those oculus type of VR equipment)

The game is not too bad and is small, with a different level settings. I guess its sort of immersive, but not too much. All in all its cheapo small time fun :)

Review posted on 29/04/2019, 16:30:00.