Judgement: Recommended

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TL;DR 4/10 overly simplistic, mobile game; relaxing and enjoyable

Why did I recommend? Because I am being honest--It was a relaxing, enjoyable experience with no thought or inspiration needed to solve the puzzles. The game suffers from a false sense of complexity. Certain buttons will trigger permanent paths to connect parts of the puzzle, which results in overly simplifying the puzzle for you. Pre-walk to a button to see what it does--otherwise, there is no logical way to choose the correct path.

The music is enjoyable; the graphics are cute, though there are many useless background blocks for senseless imagery. Only the last 5 of 50 levels required any consideration.

4/10 A game that belongs on a mobile device--not a PC. For $0.50, it may trick you into thinking you are smart.

Review posted on 15/02/2019, 00:51:00.