Judgement: Not Recommended

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Auro is a really simple, little turn-based tactical game that forces you to think about every move you do. Gets really boring and repetetive. Buy it only if you love pure tactical games and better on mobile, not PC.

+ Forces you to use your brain - that is what tactical games should do and this one does it perfectly.
+ Many different monsters with unique abilities.

-+ Difficulty level: for me it was way too high, yet for tactical lovers it might be good.

- Gameplay is repetetive and boring - you have few skills to choose from and a common push skill and you need to get rid of monsters, nothing else.
- No settings, options, anything (no resolution, no windowed/full screen option etc.).
- No tutorial and no proper hints of how to play the game - at the beginning I was not even aware that clicking on a monster push it while that is your primary skill (figured that out pretty fast but tutorial should include such basics).
- Definitely not worth getting this on PC, if you consider getting this game and you play games on your mobile device - buy a mobile version of the game;
- Price is way too high, I would pay a maximum of $1 for it.

Summing up, I can not recommend buying this game, especially on PC and for that price. It is also too simple and boring. If you love tactical games you might like it but pure tactical thinking is the only thing you will find inside.

PS. Disregard my play time, forgot to close the game, I would have just about 60 minutes.

Review posted on 07/01/2019, 06:27:00.