Judgement: Not Recommended

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The Way of the Pixelated Fist is a pixel styled side scrolling parkour fighter.

I enjoyed the atmosphere of the game, which feels like a mix of Jet Set Radio and a Kung Fu flick, but the gameplay fell flat. Pixelated Fist tries to take from various game generes (parkour sim, fighter, and puzzle), but ultimately did each individual one poorly.

It fails to be a good parkour runner because the characters don't feel fast. I would best describe it as feeling like you're running in slow motion.

In many area's you need pixel perfect precission, but the exact pixel to perform the action wasn't always clear. Grabbable edges were the worse at this as aren't clearly marked. This is incredbly frustrating during the puzzle challenges.

Pixelated Fist fails to be a good fighter because enemy telegraphs are so difficult to see. This is probably due to the art style, but zooming in to these battles could have been an option, the game already crops out huge portions of unused screen real estate so it's not as if it doesn't have room.

Pixelated Fist is incredibly easy. Spamming kick, kick, high kick will get you through most of the battles, but cheesing your way through the game just makes the fighting segments a chore.

Review posted on 18/01/2019, 21:44:00.