Judgement: Recommended

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In Shoppe Keep you play as a shop keeper who sells to adventurer's. Everything about this game feels rough and incompelete, but if you can look past it's many flaws the core game mechanic is fun.

Word of warning, however the game is very newbie unfriendly, the tutorial is just a brief note on each mechanic without explaining how they are tied together. I softlocked myself twice on the first playthroughs:

1. Spent all my initial money on inventory without buying any shelving.
2. Bought the table and a few small potion, only to learn that only medium sized items fit on it.

The Good
+ Mid to late game is very rewarding as you run around trying to keep your shop stocked with a wide variety of inventory all while making sure nobody steals from you.
+ Dumpster diving is fun, make sure to do it after each day, it's especially valuable early on.
+ I like the time crunch and trying to optimize inventory capacity, quest requirements, and customer preferences.
+ Persisent adventure's, it's amazing to see your customer's complete their equipment sets and get fully armrored.
+ The profit ramps up with the difficulty, it feels great to see your store grow and attract more customers.

The Bad:
- Default controls are terrible (luckily there's key rebindings). The developer considered the mouse wheel for cycling through inventory, but only accepts +/- keyboard input to change prices.
- Extremely newbie unfriendly.
--They start you off in a room thats not related to your store
--Quests are listed under the "Statistics" page?!?
--Important store constructions like weapon and armor racks are hidden under a nested carousel dialogue. Who thought this was a good UI?
- Dealing with thieves took me out of the shopkeeper expereicne. You the shop keeper, kill anything in one hit, but your hit radius is huge you're likely to kill innocent's as well. I find myself waiting until the thief exits a cluster of people to fight them. Whether you kill a guilty or innocent person, everyone in your store runs outside. That running motion is the same motion that thieves make so you'll likely suspect everyone in your store of robbing you. It doesn't help that chasing a thief force's you to leave the rest of your inventory unguarded.

Overall it's a decent game, but the lack of QA is very apparent. A better tutorial would have went a long way. Once you get past the first few days it does get better. Still, there are better games in the genre. If you want to play as a shop keeper, I would recommend Recettear over Shoppe Keep as it's a more polished experience.

Review posted on 27/11/2018, 22:46:00.