Judgement: Not Recommended

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Gonna call this a negative with reservations, it has the bones of a decent game but nothing really works right. There seems to be as many as 32 missions going by numbering, but on my three saves I've only ever been offered the same 14 ones. I encountered a bug where the game reverted back to March 1962 endlessly yet I was completing missions from 1960, 1961, and 1963 just fine. I beat the current content in about 90 minutes, the rest of my time logged was trying to find other missions.

The game's not been updated since early August, but the devs are still around posting in the hub that they will update it, eventually. Problem being, their last title was also Early Access and hasn't been touched since Intelligence Trader showed up...so I'm seeing an unfriendly trend here. I'd suggest wishlisting this and letting Steam tell you when (if?) it hits full release, IT needs more time in the oven.

Review posted on 28/10/2018, 22:58:00.