Judgement: Recommended

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A great game marred by decision making, character development and somewhat poorly designed 'horror' sections. The backdrop and lighting provide a claustrophobic experience that drive the player forward, combined with an interesting concept of what it humanity means in the world of the future. Combined with this is some great audio and dialogue to drive the story and pad it out.

As I said to detract from the positives; The protagonists back story is revealed only at the start and is never really expanded on. In my opinion, Simon is really fighting against extinction and being forgotten rather than the monsters. He doesn’t appear scared of them other than to signify to the player that his heart is beating fast. And lastly, I would say I was surprised that the moral choices that you make (or don’t) do not effect the ending. Whatever choice you make about the ‘bad guy’ at the end is inconsequential. Despite all my misgivings, I played to completion and would recommend it.

Review posted on 12/11/2018, 09:15:00.