Judgement: Recommended

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This game has a glorious soundtrack with excellent mechanics, generic garbage storyline, great art style, and is just a BLAST to play. It was quite different from my usual fare, but I beat the entire game over 2 play sessions and enjoyed every minute.

One minute you feel like Neo from Matrix, next you feel like Captain America, all while racing through levels to some sweet tunes. The soundtrack was amazing, the mechanics and gimmick simple but fun, level design was perfect for the style, and the enemy variety was just enough.

Not to say it was perfect - I had one full crash to desktop on the final stage (horizontal + vertical laser room you have to fight in for a minute or two), the achievements bugged and didn't register until you close the game and re-open it, at least one enemy (Missile Turret) failed to load it's sprite so it was invisible but still shooting guided missiles at me, and the difficulty got a bit frustrating towards the end. I died 58 times on final stage, there may have been borderline anger at that point.

Final recommendation? 9/10, would definitely play a sequel.

Review posted on 16/08/2018, 23:06:00.