% of players
Unlock date
YesChapter I

You finished chapter one

83.4%29/08/2018, 04:56:20
YesFire in the... nevermind

Drop the Noiseball

76.57%29/08/2018, 04:44:53
YesI didn't do it!

Burn the swamp

61.62%29/08/2018, 05:15:30

Look into the abyss

60.59%29/08/2018, 05:34:17
YesDemolition expert

Prime the bomb

60.05%23/09/2018, 06:28:31
YesKeep away from children

Lick the mushrooms until you pass out

60.01%29/08/2018, 05:02:01
YesOpen up wide

Pull the world worm's tooth

57.53%22/09/2018, 04:56:50
YesChapter II

You finished chapter two

53.08%31/08/2018, 05:40:02

Let Renie and Noah both pop the bubble

52.32%30/08/2018, 05:15:32
YesThe Green, the Fat, the Ugly

Discover every possible Spot form

47.67%31/08/2018, 06:18:52

Sneeze over the candle

44.72%31/08/2018, 05:59:33
YesLike a moth in the Wind

Dive through the clouds

43.77%01/09/2018, 05:40:21
YesChapter III

You finished chapter three

43.72%01/09/2018, 05:42:53
YesMirror mirror on the wall...

Go through the mirror

39.11%01/09/2018, 05:58:50

Fix the bomb without letting go

37.2%29/08/2018, 04:43:03
YesShadow on the wall

Play with the shadows

37.11%12/10/2018, 05:13:39
YesArtistic fool

Fall in all balance checks or fall in the same check 3 times

36.41%22/09/2018, 04:47:19

Don't prime the bomb

35.68%29/08/2018, 04:43:15
YesHome is where the heart is

Stay in Silence

31.55%11/10/2018, 07:17:39
YesIt's not easy being green!

Send Spot to Kyra

29.91%11/10/2018, 06:55:12
YesHaute cuisine

Taste the everything in the swamp

29.81%23/09/2018, 06:40:31
YesDeath is a part of life

Completed the prayer mill story with the death wheel

23.78%28/09/2018, 06:43:43
YesQuite a buggy game

Find all bugs

23.37%30/08/2018, 04:58:26
YesMaster of Thermodynamics

Let spot fly

22.88%28/09/2018, 06:30:57
NoNothing can stop me

Finish the game without dying

YesWhere there is life, there is hope

Completed the prayer mill story with the life wheel

20.13%30/08/2018, 05:47:19
YesMumbo Jumbo

Use the magic boxes to change into all available Spot forms

19.23%01/09/2018, 04:57:42
YesIt's nothing personal

Shoot the gate

17.63%01/09/2018, 05:36:38
YesTo err is human...

Trigger the same game over sequence twice in a row

14.99%29/08/2018, 04:52:26
YesThe hands of a healer

Hit Kyra

11.99%24/09/2018, 05:50:12
NoLife is but a dream

Completed the prayer mill story with the dream wheel

NoArtistic master

Balance without falling down

YesUnfullfilled dreams

Grab 10 gold from the well

6.63%11/10/2018, 06:26:45
YesDo not feed the fish!

Let the fish get the berries 3 times

4.93%23/09/2018, 06:45:08

Let the mushroom fart ten times

4.8%22/09/2018, 05:04:27
YesCheckmate in 8 moves

Get to the gate in 8 steps

4.18%06/10/2018, 06:08:10

Let Sadwick die every time it's possible

3.19%06/10/2018, 05:57:35
YesSummit attempt

Spot plunges everywhere

2.87%24/09/2018, 05:41:07
YesFastidious Clown

Place candles everywhere possible

2.63%06/10/2018, 06:30:24
NoLet the boot talk

Kick everything possible

YesSherlock Holmes

Finish the game without using the snoopkey

1.82%11/10/2018, 07:21:41
NoDone. First!

Skip every puzzle

NoFine Listener

Finish the game without skipping a text

NoShut up clown!

Listen to Kyra

NoUseless but beautiful

Find all possible Spot interactions


Spot licked everything



Achievements last synchronized on 15/01/2019, 17:47.